Monday, November 1, 2010

Make a shopping list

Clearly, the main idea of the last two posts is that you need to make a shopping list. Making a shopping list (as long as you stick to it) allows you to buy only the things that you need, and makes sure that you don't impulse buy and buy things because of the deal that you are getting. It also saves you a lot of time. If I know exactly what I am getting, then I do not have to stop and think: hmmmm..... What do I need? Making a shopping list also ensures that you do not forget something that you need (ex: going to the store for something, getting a bunch of other stuff and then not getting the thing that you originally went for). So, a shopping list helps you economically, and saves you time. Please check out some of our advertisements, they can be very helpful with coupons, and ways to stop buying on impulse.

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